Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sassy Things

1. For the cupcake and robot lover in you

2. I've had this conversation way too many times.

3. "While my guitar gently weeps"
4. It rained all day, but if I had this thermos it would have seemed a little brighter

 5. Skunkboy Creatures are so cute! Say hello to Fifi the Fawn and Ophelia the Octopus

6. Passion fruit iced tea lemonade and a strawberry purse. Perfection

7. Very Madeline!

8. Adorable kids!

9. I found the cutest mint green cruiser on craigslist.

10. Aren't we all freaks and geeks?

Who doesn't love Jordan Catalano?

Photo: weheartit, bleubird vintage, why they're hot, nancy zhang, garance dore, craigslist, my cardboard life, hedi slimane, skunkboy creatures


Joy said...

love. everything. how did you know??

Joy said...

love. everything. how did you know???